Welcome to Mane Man!

About Me

Hi, my name is Kyle and I have a particular obsession with hair. I am currently studying marketing at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow and included in my course is an assignment which sees me tasked with creating, updating and marketing this very blog.

I, myself have tried on multiple occasions to grow out my unruly, afro-esque nightmare, with the final outcome only resulting in a swift trip to the barbers. Now in my third attempt, carrying everything I've learned from previous let-downs, I finally seem to be pleased with the results.

About Mane Man

Growing out hair is simple, after all, it tends to do the hard work on its own! However, growing long, healthy hair takes a bit of effort. The transition from a short to long hairstyle can be overbearing mentally, as well as physically disastrous in my case, and the fact of long, healthy hair being so difficult to achieve and manage subsequently is one of the main reasons so few men are seen rocking longer hairstyles. Nevertheless, for those who dream, Mane Man is here to untangle the accompanying problems.

As men, we are unfortunately programmed to disregard any idea of effort in appearance, resulting in the easiest, most "practical" route being taken almost every time, depriving us of the experience needed to gain an understanding of how to properly care for our hair. 

The Mane Man blog has been created to guide those making the life-changing restyle to longer hair, teaching both the best practices for hair growth and hair care. I'll be sharing my own experiences, struggles and all of the useful knowledge I've acquired throughout.

Mane Man will carefully comb through the following sub-topics in future posts:

  1. Rules for successful hair growth (hair health tips & tricks).
  2. Distinguishing hair type/texture.
  3. Stages of the growing out process.
  4. Why you should grow your hair!

If you fancy any further reading on the creation of this blog check out the article at: https://strathlife.strathunion.com/mane-man-blog/

Stay tuned,

Kyle x


  1. Fantastic read, Kyle! Very well informed.

  2. Well done Kyle, very interesting, look forward to your next blog


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